jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015


Jennifer Love Hewitt

At least her body will forever be a wonderland.


Fergie looks almost as shocked as we are.

Pamela Anderson

Not very often do we find ourselves bringing all of our attention to Pamela's face.

Jennifer Lopez

She's getting ready to put on the face you fell in love with.

Kirsten Dunst

She wins the award for "Scariest Paparazzi Death Stare."

Cameron Diaz

Either she's super cold, or she just had a good cry.

Anna Kournikova

She was just due for a beauty rest that day, guys. Relax.

Nicole Richie

Maybe the awkwardness of this photo is just because the sun was in her eyes.

Kristen Stewart

Three words: wake and bake.

Khloe Kardashian

Don't worry Khloe, Kim is on the list, too. 

Jessica Biel

Actually, Jessica still looks A-OK. You know, despite all the other things going on.

AnnaLynne McCord

This photo was taken to prove that she is a natural beauty. Yeah, we got you, girl.

Nicole Scherzinger

Considering she posted this on Twitter, she clearly has nothing to hide.

Jessica Simpson

Blonde bombshell shmombshell.

Olivia Wilde

Finally, a celebrity who looks like she is enjoying her day off from the glam.

Kate Hudson

The mommy-to-be (at the time) gets a pass.

Katherine Heigl

Meh, just another soccer mom.


Thanks for being a good sport about it, Adele.

Alicia Silverstone

We're sure Silverstone isn't clueless about the paparazzi snappin' photos.

Jennifer Garner

Looks like Jenny is back on the set of Dude Where's My Car?

Penelope Cruz

So Penelope Cruz isn't an immortal goddess? Damn.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga looks a lot better when she isn't covered under piles of meat. Pause.

Goldie Hawn

What did you expect? She's 67!

Britney Spears

This isn't bad, compared to the Britney picture that still haunts our dreams.


Madonna has sold over 300 million records, takes care of four children, and is recently divorced—what would you want her to look like?

Kate Moss

My preciouuuussss!

Katy Perry

When all the candy is licked away, this is what is left.

Sofia Vergara

The most shocking part about this photo is that Sofia Vergara actually looks even hotter without all the cake.

Tyra Banks

At least one thing holds true: makeup or no makeup, Tyra is still bringing the fierce.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is only human, you guys.

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Corrección y Relleno de ojeras

Hola a todos! En esta ocasión vamos a comentar sobre la corrección estética de las dichosas ojeras.

Las ojeras son más visibles en ciertas personas, ya sea por ser una característica hereditaria, por falta de descanso o razones diversas relacionadas con la salud y el estado físico.

Existen diversas maneras de deshacerse de las ojeras.

  1. Uso de cremas específicas que ayudan a drenar líquidos y a mejorar gradualmente la zona.
  2. A través de la alimentación, a base de comprimidos (o cremas) de vitamina-K que mejoran los capilares bajo el ojo que son los culpables de ese aspecto morado o rojizo.
  3. Rellenos inyectables de ácido hialurónico que se aplican en una sola sesión y tienen una permanencia aproximada de seis meses. En ocasiones se combina con toxina botulínica. El precio puede rondar los 400€ en España.
  4. Cirugía específica de párpado inferior u ojeras. Se suele realizar junto a la cirugía del párpado superior. Blefaroplastia. Hay que ponerse en manos de un buen cirujano plástico especialista en ojos. Es una solución permanente en un 95% de los casos. Puede darse el caso de que haya que retocar en un futuro.
  5. Implantes especiales para ojeras.